
[MISS A] Suzy menyatakan bahwa ia murid yang 'buruk'

Pada episode 2 November dari acara tv ''Go Show'', Suzy mengaku bahwa dia adalah seorang siswa yang buruk di sekolah.
Pada acara itu, Suzy mengungkapkan: 
“I slept a lot when I was a student.”
Dia menambahkan: 
"I didn’t study much, but I went to school earlier than anyone else. When the lesson started, I blocked the top of my head with chocolate milk I bought, opened up my book to the middle, and slept happily out in the open.”
Dia juga mengaku: 
“Once, I slept during first period and when I woke up, I was in class by myself at the end of the day.”

from :

Omona... walau jadi pelajar yang 'buruk' tapi kariernya naujubileeh kece :O

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